0800 707 7106 0800 707 7106
55 51 99228 2343 55 51 99228 2343
reservas@swanhoteis.com.br reservas@swanhoteis.com.br
Hospitality, welcoming and serving, this has been our mission for 3 decades
Vitor's story began in 2009, when he was an intern in the IT sector of other companies. His role was to offer support to employees, until Rede Swan discovered his talent and invited him for an interview, marking the beginning of his career in the Hospitality industry.
Although Vitor already had experience in IT, the world of hospitality was a completely new segment for him. This opportunity became a challenge that made him learn hotel techniques indirectly. When asked about a memorable memory, Vitor didn't hesitate to share a funny story: "We were going to a course in Porto Alegre, I was driving the company car and following Waze's instructions. Suddenly, we ended up getting stuck in a manhole because from the heavy rain. We all had to get out of the car and ask the locals for help.
Vitor is the name that comes to mind when employees need IT help. He is always willing to help, regardless of the problem. Although he is a shy and introverted boy, his kind and helpful essence is admirable. When asked about advice he would give to himself ten years ago, Vitor said: "I would say to persist and strive, as many good things will come on the path ahead. Life is made of achievements and we need to seek them" . Vitor personifies what Swan Network has to offer: hospitality.
E-mail: reservas@swanhoteis.com.br E-mail: reservas@swanhoteis.com.br
Contact: 0800 707 7106 Contact: 0800 707 7106
Novo Hamburgo: (51) 3553 2222 | (51) 9 9228 6457 Novo Hamburgo: (51) 3553 2222 | (51) 9 9228 6457
Caxias do Sul: (54) 3039 5001 | (51) 9 9393 0014 Caxias do Sul: (54) 3039 5001 | (51) 9 9393 0014
Rio Grande: (53) 3036 3900 | (53) 9914 34077 Rio Grande: (53) 3036 3900 | (53) 9914 34077