0800 707 7106 0800 707 7106
55 51 99228 2343 55 51 99228 2343
reservas@swanhoteis.com.br reservas@swanhoteis.com.br
Welcome to the Swan universe: a constellation of experiences
Present in the main development and tourism hubs of Rio Grande do Sul, the Swan Hotéis chain combines tradition and pioneering spirit with excellence in hospitality.
These are services and structures designed to provide the sensation of feeling part of the chosen destination. This is the case in Brazil and also in Portugal, in the city of Sintra.
Welcome to the Swan universe: a constellation of experiences
Present in the main development and tourism hubs of Rio Grande do Sul, the Swan Hotéis chain combines tradition and pioneering spirit with excellence in hospitality.
These are services and structures designed to provide the sensation of feeling part of the chosen destination. This is the case in Brazil and also in Portugal, in the city of Sintra.
E-mail: reservas@swanhoteis.com.br E-mail: reservas@swanhoteis.com.br
Contact: 0800 707 7106 Contact: 0800 707 7106
Novo Hamburgo: (51) 3553 2222 | (51) 9 9228 6457 Novo Hamburgo: (51) 3553 2222 | (51) 9 9228 6457
Caxias do Sul: (54) 3039 5001 | (51) 9 9393 0014 Caxias do Sul: (54) 3039 5001 | (51) 9 9393 0014
Rio Grande: (53) 3036 3900 | (53) 9914 34077 Rio Grande: (53) 3036 3900 | (53) 9914 34077